All About oer and Renewable assignments
Overview of Modules
ALL ABOUT OER: How to use and create/share OER
Module 1. Introduction to OER
Broad overview of OER
Module 2. Copyright and CC licenses - Sharing With Care
The concept of open and the history behind it. [text, infographic, video]
Definitions (copyright, CC licenses, and public domain) [infographic]
Differences between copyright, CC, and public domain [text/table, video, slides]
CC license elements [text/table, video, slides]
Types of licenses [text/table, video, slides]
*Knowledge check/self-assessment
Module 3. Locating and sharing OER
1. Define locating and Sharing OER
2. Apply methods to search (locate) for OERs
3. Apply methods to share OER websites and edited materials with colleagues
Module 4. Adapting OER for Classroom Use
1. Learning objectives
2. An introductory quiz about OER ( or Google Forms)
3. A comprehensive presentation about OER in the classroom (Google Slides)
4. A simplified quick guide to integrate OER into the classroom (infographic)
5. Sample lesson plans including OER (Google Doc)
6. A self reflection activity (Google Doc)
7. A module review (Google Doc)
8. Resources (Google Doc)
Module 5. Designing for the 5Rs
Introduction: Definition of the 5Rs (text, infographic)
Learning objectives
Genially map (Scenarios)
Video Lesson
Module Components (google slides and PDF)
Module 6. Attribution Statements for OER
1. Introduction
2. Available Formats
3. Learning Objectives
4. Definition of Attribution Statements
5. Scholarly Citation vs. Attribution Statements
6. Key Elements of Attribution Statements
7. Placement of Attribution Statements
8. Examples of Attribution Statements
9. Online Attribution Builder
10. Test Your Knowledge!
11. References
ALL ABOUT RENEWABLE ASSIGNMENTS: How to create and use renewable assignments
Module 1. Introduction to Open Pedagogy
Define open pedagogy
Identify benefits of open pedagogy for student learning, faculty and the institution
Module 2. Introduction to Renewable Assignments
Define renewable as an assignment where the student creates something
Define renewable as an assignment that has value beyond supporting the student creator’s learning
Define renewable as an assignment that is made public
Define renewable as an assignment that is openly licensed
Module 3. Examples, Advantages & Challenges
Review examples of renewable assignments
Discuss advantages & challenges of adopting renewable assignments
Module 4. CC Licenses for Renewable Assignments
Explain Creative Commons Licenses
Describe the different types of CC Licenses
Indicate placement of attribution
Construct attribution statement
Reflect about CC Licenses
Module 5. Locate and Share Renewable Assignments
Identify the different tools and repositories that could be used to publish student works
Determine relevant tools and repositories for sharing the produced assignment artifacts
Select appropriate tools and repositories for renewable assignments
Locate existing renewable assignments which fit the course objectives
Share newly created renewable assignments with the community