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Designing for the 5 Rs of Open



Levitating Objects


Open Educational Resources (OER) are “digital learning resources", (Scheunemann et al., 2018, p. 1729) which allows the learner to interact with the course content according to 5 Rs; retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute.


The fifth module of the course project being developed by Concordia’s graduate students will focus on designing while keeping the 5 Rs of open educational resources in mind.


This module is presented in text form on the group website, in reusable and remixable slides and video format. This is to ensure that learner diversity is respected and the 5Rs of open are respected within our module. 





Learning Objectives

Study Group
Anchor 1

For this module, learning objectives are the following:


  1. Identify the 5Rs when navigating OERs. 

  2. Define the 5Rs of open.

  3. Applying the 5Rs of open to various scenarios.

At the end of this module, students will be able to identify, define and apply the 5 Rs of open to their own resources while using the material to provide as support. 

Remixed Infographic

Here is a remixed infographic inspired by a design created by Kevin Garcia De La Vega identifying the 5Rs.

Anchor 2

This infographic also contains brief definitions in order to offer enough information to facilitate understanding and yet not overwhelm the reader (Arteaga, R., & Wakim, S., n.d).


Anchor 3

Here is an original checklist is provided in PDF and Google Slides format, to ensure that the 5Rs of open are respected.


Learners can use this checklist when designing their OERs and can modify it to suit their needs while ensuring that their OER respects the 5Rs of open. 


Genially Evaluative Activity

Test your knowledge with an originally designed Genially scenario-based activity!


Scenarios were developed by group members and were designed to include all aspects of the 5 Rs of open in different contexts as well as using information from previous modules.


This activity allows for self-correction and once the correct answer is chosen, the next question is presented. 



Anchor 4

Module Components

Anchor 5

Here is a video of our module "Designing for the 5rs of OER". It will go over everything you have learned on this website in a video format and provided underneath the video is access to the remixable content and a pdf copy. 

Anchor 6


Here is a list of resources to create OERs. These resources were verified by all group members for reliability, effectiveness, pricing and shareability.


Each platform is hyperlinked to a tutorial in order to offer support to learners and encourage them to use such platforms for design.


The resources are as follows:

Creating slides or visual aids with Canva, Visme, Google Slides and Google Doc


Creating audio and video with Powtoon and iMovie


Coding with Scratch


Interactive Materials with Google Forms, Quizlet and Genially




Arteaga, R., & Wakim, S. (n.d.). Introduction to Open Educational Resources. Course Atom. 


Garcia De La Vega, K. (2019). This graphic is based off of an Oer provided by the State University of New York.  . The Advocate.


Michigan State University Library. (n.d). Open Educational Resources Program: Overview. Michigan State University, 


Scheunemann, S., Brandao, A. & Brauer, D. ( 2018, October). Rethinking the 5Rs in Open Educational Resources: A Reuse Perspective. (Conference Paper). Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education, Brazil, 10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1729







@ 2021, ETEC693. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike- 4.0 International license (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)




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